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Permanent Collection
11:00-19:00 ※日曜・祝日は11:00-17:00 無休
11:00-17:00 Sundays and Holidays
Open every day
1969 年の開廊以来、西洋絵画の名匠を扱うとともに現代フランス画壇の代表作家を紹介。 近年では日本を含め世界各地に視野を広げ、様々なジャンルの作家の紹介に尽力しています。
Since 1969 Galerie Taménaga has exhibited a range of works by western masters as well as contemporary French artists. In recent years, they have expanded their horizons to other parts of the world, including Japan, and have continued presenting works by artists of various genres
北川麻衣子 《花勧請》
パネルにケント紙・ダーマトグラフ 146×112cm
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